"Install Error: There was a problem during installation. Please try again."
This issue will occur when an account was previously logged into My World from BlackBerry App World 1.0 or 1.1 with a PayPal® account and did not associate that account when creating a BlackBerry® ID to use with BlackBerry App World 2.0.
From a computer, go to appworld.blackberry.com/webstore . In the upper right area of the BlackBerry App World site, click Sign In. At the sign in page, enter in the desired BlackBerry ID account information. Then continue with the account setup process.
Complete steps 1 through 3 if required to do so. Note: Step 2 of the BlackBerry App World setup process instructs to connect a BlackBerry® smartphone. Currently, a BlackBerry PlayBook is not compatible with the web setup process so an active BlackBerry smartphone will be required to complete this. Once Step 3 is completed, click the Next button to continue. Click the I Agree button to accept the BlackBerry App World Terms and Conditions. One of the following 2 options will be presented: a) If the email address used is detected to be associated to a PayPal account that made purchases in a previous version of BlackBerry App World, a screen will be presented requesting to transfer those purchases to the new BlackBerry ID. Click the Pay with PayPal button, then complete the requested steps to validate the account and transfer the previously purchased applications. b) If no previous purchases are detected, select the method of payment to use when purchasing applications in BlackBerry App World, or select I do not wish to enter payment information at this time if continuing with no payment method selected. Click Next to continue. Note: A payment source can be selected or changed at a later time. For more information on this, see KB23717 for BlackBerry smartphones or KB26621 for BlackBerry PlayBook. On the BlackBerry Account Confirmation screen, click Finish to complete the account setup. For more help, please visit btsc.webapps.blackberry.com
That more look like software Problem and I often become online from Mobile and then online from PC, I never have any Issue like that Even I install my Track Blackberry App and never having Problem after installing that App.